“Azerbaijan and Korea enjoy dynamic and unique partnership”

  • 등록 2023.06.06 14:28:34

Says Ambassador Ramin Hasanov of Azerbaijan at the National Day reception

 By Publisher Lee Jon-young, Reporter Kayla Lee


Ambassador Ramin Hasanov of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Seoul said, “Today Azerbaijan and Korea enjoy full-fledged and multidimensional cooperation and partnership and high-level relations between the two friendly countries are dynamic and unique.”


Making the speech at the National Day reception at the four Seasons Hotel in Seoul on May 30, Ambassador Hasanov added, “Though the establishment of bilateral relations goes back to 1992, I would say the most dynamic period started since 2006 and 2007 when the Heads of States exchanged visit and it should be noted that so far the President of Korea has visited only Azerbaijan from the South Caucasus republics, and among the heads of state of the South Caucasus republics, only the President of Azerbaijan has visited Korea.”


“At present,” emphasized Ambassador Hasanov, “Azerbaijan is the largest economic and trade partner of Korea in the South Caucasus and apart from the Korean Embassy, offices of KOICA and KOTRA successfully operate in Azerbaijan as well.”


Ambassador Hasanov’s impressive speech was seconded to by many Korean guests at the party from the government and various other segments of Korean society. Among them were

Your Excellency Mr. Lim Soo-suk, Deputy Minister for Public Affairs,


Dear Mr. Farhad Abdullayev, Chairman of Constitutional Court,


Dear Mr. Fuad Muradov, Chairman of the State Committee on Work with Diaspora,


Dear Mr. Suh Byung-soo, head of Korea-Azerbaijan Parliamentary Friendship Group at the National Assembly,



The Republic of Azerbaijan is located in the center of the South Caucasus and on the coast of the Caspian Sea. Being a link between Asia and Europe, Azerbaijan is in a geographically favorable position. Azerbaijan is a fascinating country with a unique culture. Azerbaijan, where Islamic and Soviet cultures coexist, shares history with Iran and was center of the Silk Road connecting the West and East.


Also, Azerbaijan is rich with natural resources, oil and gas fields. Azerbaijan has been implementing energy projects such as the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline, which transports Caspian oil to the Mediterranean Sea since 2006, the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum pipeline that transports Azerbaijani gas to the central part of Turkey since 2007 and the Southern Gas Corridor which supports the energy security of the European continent since the end of 2020.


Since the establishment of diplomatic relations between Korea and Azerbaijan in 1992, friendly cooperation ties between two countries have deepened in various fields, including mutual visits of presidents. On the occasion of the 31st anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations in 2023, Korea makes efforts to further strengthen substantive cooperation between the two countries and further develop bilateral relations.



Our interest in Azerbaijan is gradually increasing as Azerbaijan is one of the countries included in the “New Northern Policy” pursued by our country. Since the Caucasus region attracts attention as a new travel destination, the number of Koreans visiting Azerbaijan is also increasing. Day by day, there is a growing number of people who want to learn Korean language and enjoy K-pop in Azerbaijan.


Through mutual exchanges and cooperation in various fields, mutual understanding and cooperation between our countries is enhanced and steadily expanding, therefore, I think the future of bilateral relations is bright.


I hope that you can get useful information and real assistance from the website of Korean Embassy in Azerbaijan. I extend my gratitude to you for your attention and support in advance. Thank you.



Welcoming remarks of H.E. Mr. Ramin Hasanov, Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan to the Republic of Korea




Your Excellency Mr. Lim Soo-suk Deputy Minister for Public Affairs,


Dear Mr. Farhad Abdullayev Chairman of Constitutional Court,


Dear Mr. Fuad Muradov Chairman of the State Committee on Work with Diaspora,


Dear Mr. Suh Byungsoo Head of Korea-Azerbaijan Parliamentary Friendship Group at the National Assembly,

Your Excellencies,


Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,


Friends of Azerbaijan,


We have gathered here today to celebrate two significant occasions - the Centennial Anniversary of the National Leader Heydar Aliyev as well as the Independence Day of the Republic of Azerbaijan.


I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all of you for being with us today.


In 2023 we mark the 100th anniversary of the birth of Heydar Aliyev, the National Leader of Azerbaijani people, the founder of the independent state of Azerbaijan, an outstanding politician and statesman. Heydar Aliyev is a powerful personality who successfully saved his people from the complex historical and political trials and brought them to independence through consistent struggle.


The people of Azerbaijan entered the new century and the new millennium precisely in the light of Heydar Aliyev’s intelligence. Modern Azerbaijan, confidently advancing on the path of continuous progress is a celebration of Heydar Aliyev’s life experience.


Standing alongside with the most influential politicians of his time, Heydar Aliyev played an exceptional role in promoting the modern face of Azerbaijan, the rich values ​​of our people, and gaining a worthy position in the international relations system of our country.


And about five years prior to the birth of the National Leader, on May 28, 1918, the first parliamentary democracy in the Muslim world – the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic was founded with the adoption of the Declaration on Independence.


Despite facing severe internal and external challenges arising from the collapse of Russian empire, the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic succeeded in setting effective state institutions, upholding the rights of its citizens including extension of suffrage to women for the first time in the Muslim world and thus, gaining the trust of the international community.


In late 1919 and early 1920, however, the political situation of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic – both at home and abroad – worsened considerably. Unfortunately, the independent Azerbaijan Democratic Republic existed less than two years and after its occupation by the Soviets, Azerbaijan became part of the Soviet Union for 71 years.


The difficulties faced by the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, including Armenia’s territorial claims and war against Azerbaijan, geopolitical intrigues, the socio-economic problems engulfed the Republic of Azerbaijan as well since regaining its independence in 1991 following the collapse of the Soviet Union.


The policies pursued later by the national leader Heydar Aliyev developed the sense of national identity by reviving our deep historical and cultural memory, as well as by instilling a firm conviction for preserving and strengthening our independence and statehood.


Today the Republic of Azerbaijan under the leadership of President Ilham Aliyev as an independent, sovereign and democratic country brings into the reality the aspirations and ideals of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic as well as endeavors underpinned by the policies of National Leader Heydar Aliyev.


All these are materialized into good and effective management, socio-economic and human capital development of Azerbaijan as well as its growing role and prestige in international relations.


And finally, after almost 30 years of occupation by Armenia, under the leadership of the Victorious Supreme Commander-in-Chief, President Ilham Aliyev, Azerbaijani Army liberated our territories in 2020 and thus, restored the country’s territorial integrity.


Accordingly, this year is the third time Azerbaijan celebrates the Independence Day with its Karabakh and East Zangezur regions returned to homeland.


Dear friends,


Today Azerbaijan and Korea enjoy full-fledged and multidimensional cooperation and partnership. High-level relations between Azerbaijan and Korea are dynamic and unique in the South Caucasus region, and the directions and mechanisms, the scope and content of our bilateral cooperation are rich in their essence.


Though the establishment of bilateral relations goes back to 1992, I would say the most dynamic period started since 2006 and 2007 when the Heads of States exchanged visit. It should be noted that so far the President of Korea has visited only Azerbaijan from the South Caucasus republics, and among the heads of state of the South Caucasus republics, only the President of Azerbaijan has visited Korea.


At present, Azerbaijan is the largest economic and trade partner of Korea in the South Caucasus. Apart from the Korean Embassy, offices of KOICA and KOTRA successfully operate in Azerbaijan as well.


77 Korean companies operating mainly in the fields of construction, trade and transport are registered in Azerbaijan and at the same time, Korean companies participate as contractors in state-owned projects in our country.


Currently we have come across a real opportunity; I would say, a new era for development of Azerbaijani-Korean cooperation in general, our economic partnership in particular.


Having restored its territorial integrity, Azerbaijan now faces a huge task to restore those territories and make it possible for 750 thousand Azerbaijani IDPs to return to their homelands.


But unfortunately, during the occupation period, the aggressors have literally destroyed and looted everything that existed on and under those lands, from residence buildings to infrastructure, from schools to hospitals, from cultural monuments to religious sites, from flora and fauna to underground minerals.


Azerbaijani Government is resolute to restore those areas which are more than 10 thousand square kilometres and to build them with state of art technologies and know-hows.


Azerbaijani Government’s plan dubbed as “Great Return” includes establishment of carbon-neutral zones using green and renewable energy resources; construction of smart city and smart villages and related infrastructure; creation of free industrial-logistical zones and smart farming facilities, restoration of historical and cultural monuments, promotion of tourism and so on.


Certainly, in this process we are looking forward to cooperation with our foreign reliable partners and Korea is one of the few countries worldwide that has been invited at the highest level, to participate in the restoration work conducted in our liberated territories both as a contractor and an investor.


Concluding my remarks on these outstanding occasions, I would like to underline once again that we are looking forward to opening a new chapter for Azerbaijan-Korea bilateral relations with expectations of more sustainable and productive cooperation that will serve to the best interest of our both nations.


Last but not least, I would like to introduce to you “Jangi” ethno-jazz group from Azerbaijan and its leader Mr. Mirjavad Jafarov who are here especially for today’s event and will perform their popular repertoire in front of your audience.


While conveying my appreciation to “Jangi” ethno-jazz group, I would also like to use this opportunity to express my gratitude to Mr. Fuad Muradov, Chairman of the State Committee on Work with Diaspora and Mr. Akram Abdullayev, Executive director of the Fund for Support to Azerbaijani Diaspora for being with us and their kind support to making today’s performance possible.


I would also like to thank our Embassy staff members for their relentless efforts directed to the excellent organization of the event.


Please enjoy the national concert and the following gala dinner.


Thank you very much for your attention!




Congratulatory Remarks by Lim Soo-suk, the Spokesperson and Deputy Minister for Public Affairs


Ambassador Ramin Hasanov,


Mr. Muradov, Chairman of the Azerbaijan Diaspora Committee


Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,


악샤므느즈 케이르!* Good evening!


Today, I am pleased to join you in celebrating the anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Azerbaijan. On behalf of the Korean government, I would like to extend my sincere congratulations.


Historically, Azerbaijan has served as a bridge between Asia and Europe. It has been a key country in trade and cultural exchanges between the East and the West.


Azerbaijan also boasts splendid cultural heritage such as the world's first Carpet Museum.


I have had the wonderful opportunity to visit Azerbaijan three times, and each time there, I was impressed by the rapid, dynamic development of the country. Moreover, the kindness of the people I met while strolling through Baku Park was very touching.


Distinguished guests,


Korea and Azerbaijan might be far geographically, but we have many cultural and emotional similarities. We are both part of the Altaic language family, and we both attach great importance to family bonds and respect for elders.

Building upon these similarities, our two countries have enhanced friendly cooperation in various fields since establishing diplomatic relations in 1992.


Last year, on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of our diplomatic ties, Presidential Special Envoy Suh Byeong-soo visited Baku to take our friendship to a higher level. Cooperation in new areas such as education, digital technology, and smart farming is also growing.


Together, our two countries will create a brighter future.


I would like to express my gratitude to Ambassador Hasanov and all the staff of the embassy for introducing us to such a lovely harmony of the traditional sound of Azerbaijan and jazz.


Once again, I congratulate Azerbaijan on its National Day and I look forward to our friendship deepening even further.


Thank you.

Congratulatory remarks of MP Suh Byeong-soo for the Independence Day Reception of Azerbaijan


Fuad Muradov, Chairman of the Diaspora Committee of the Republic of Azerbaijan,


Ramin Hasanov, Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Korea,


Im Soo-seok, Spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,


Distinguished guests,


I am Suh Byeong-soo, member of the National Assembly, head of Korea-Azerbaijan Parliamentary Friendship Group.


I sincerely congratulate the Independence Day of Azerbaijan.


On May 28, 1918, Azerbaijan declared independence and established a democratic republic. I believe it is a historic day that has important meaning in world history and in the development of democracy.


Azerbaijan has continued its efforts to establish its own country, achieving independence as a democratic republic over 100 years ago and independence from the Soviet Union over 30 years ago. And it has continued its voyage of national unity and development centered on its venerable history, culture and resources.


As the head of Korea-Azerbaijan Parliamentary Friendship Group, I visited Azerbaijan in 2009 for the first time as a member of the Korean National Assembly. And so far, I am in charge of cooperation between the parliaments of the two countries directly witnessing the development of Azerbaijan and the growth of bilateral relations.


Since the establishment of diplomatic ties in 1992, the Republic of Korea and the Republic of Azerbaijan have continuously developed friendly and cooperative relations in various fields such as politics, economy and culture. I myself visited Baku several times as a presidential envoy to host the 2030 Busan World Expo and as the head of Korea-Azerbaijan Parliamentary Friendship Group, meeting with high-ranking Azerbaijani officials, and feeling that mutual understanding and friendship between our two countries is strengthening. I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate President Aliyev, Speaker of the National Assembly Sahiba Gafarova, Chairman of the Azerbaijan-Korea Parliamentary Friendship Group Malik Hasanov, Minister of Foreign Affairs Jeihun Bayramov, and Chairman of Expo Committee Anar Alakbarov on the Independence Day.


I hope that Korea can join as a friend and contribute to Azerbaijan’s path to greater prosperity. Our National Assembly will also play a pivotal role in cooperation with the Azerbaijani parliament.


Once again, I sincerely congratulate you on the Independence Day of Azerbaijan.


I wish Azerbaijan endless development and peace, and eternal friendship with Korea.


Thank you.

이존영 기자 wbstf10@naver.com
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