'We cannot forget blood shed by Korea, U.S. 73 years ago'

  • 등록 2023.07.11 09:50:28

Says President Yoon at an exhibition commemorating the 70th anniversary of the nation's bilateral alliance with the U.S.

 By Reporter Kayla lee 


President Yoon Suk-yeol said on June 25, "Now, 73 years after the outbreak of the Korean War, we must not forget the horrors of the conflict."

He said this while viewing an exhibition commemorating the 70th anniversary of the nation's bilateral alliance with the U.S. at the National Museum of Korean Contemporary History in Seoul with First Lady Kim Keon-hee, according to a news release from presidential spokesperson Lee Do-woon.



"Seventy-three years ago today, U.S. President Truman swiftly decided to enter the U.S. in the Korean War to defend the freedom of the Republic of Korea, a nation in crisis," President Yoon said in a greeting. "Even now, about 120,000 Korean and 7,500 American soldiers have not returned into the arms of their families, so we will not forget the sacrifice and dedication of these heroes and do our best to return them to their families."

"We must accurately inform future generations who will lead the ROK-U.S. alliance of the latter's beginning, traces and remarkable achievements," he added. "We hope that this exhibition marking the ROK-U.S. alliance's 70th anniversary is an opportunity for many people to reflect on the alliance's value and significance."

The exhibition features the major history of the alliance including 10 heroes among veterans of the war, the situation at the time, activities of the U.S. Peace Corps, and conclusions of the Korea-U.S. Mutual Defense Treaty, bilateral free trade agreement and the 2023 Washington Declaration.



On display for the first time is a Korean-language translation of a U.S. trade report written by Shin Heon, a diplomat and Korean delegate at the Treaty of Peace, Amity, Commerce and Navigation between the Kingdom of Chosun (Joseon) and the United States signed in 1882.

Also making its premiere is a two-minute video made by Liberty News of the U.S. of the initialing ceremony ahead of the official conclusion of the defense treaty.

President Yoon wrote, "The ROK-U.S. alliance that contributes to world peace and prosperity," in the visitor's log.

Also writing their signatures were Gen. Kim Doo-man, a Korean War hero; Korean Military Academy cadet Kim Byeong-jin, who is considered a future generation leader; Monica Torres Net, the granddaughter of an American soldier who fought in the war; and seven leading officials from Seoul and Washington.


이정하 기자 haya9004lee@gmail.com
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