Gov. Kim Dong-yeon says, "Gyeonggi Province will take the lead in pursuing the path of peace"

  • 등록 2023.07.22 18:51:43

Kim receives a copy of the Armistice Agreement from the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission

By Reporter Lee jon young 


The Armistice Agreement, which had been held by the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission for 70 years since the ceasefire, is now in the hands of Gyeonggi Province.


On July 19, Governor Kim Dong-yeon of Gyeonggi Province participated in the "Armistice Agreement Handover Ceremony" held at Gallery Greaves within Paju Camp Greaves, where he received a copy of the Armistice Agreement from Ivo Burgener, the Swiss representative of the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission.


Governor Kim said, "I am delighted that Gyeonggi Province has received the copy of the Armistice Agreement, which was kept by the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission, especially by the Swiss delegation, since the time of the Armistice." 

He added, "With the receipt of the copy of the agreement, Gyeonggi Province becomes the only institution equipped with the original text and map in English. This provides an excellent opportunity for the public to see and learn from history through the exhibition."


He further expressed, "Through this event today, I hope it will serve as a meaningful opportunity for us to reflect on the tragedies of the war that once caused us great difficulties and to remember our fight for freedom and democracy, while committing to a greater peace in the future." 

He emphasized, "As a small region in South Korea, Gyeonggi Province will strive to create the path to peace. We will take the lead in pursuing the path of peace centered on strong security in inter-Korean relations."


Ivo Burgener, the Swiss representative of the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission, stated, "To enhance the value of the newly opened exhibition hall (Camp Greaves Exhibition Hall), we decided without hesitation to present a copy of the Armistice Agreement. We hope it will be a meaningful gift to all those who yearn for peace and stability."


The copy of the Armistice Agreement received by Gyeonggi Province was copied by the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission immediately after the signing of the agreement to understand its contents. It consists of the text of the agreement and a map. 

As South Korea did not participate in the Armistice, the original agreement is only held by the United States, China, and North Korea. The Swiss delegation explained that this copy, which has been preserved by the Commission for a long time, holds sufficient historical value.


The Armistice Agreement contains the purpose of the agreement, the military demarcation line and the demilitarized zone, specific measures of the armistice, and measures concerning prisoners of war. It bears the signatures of Kim Il-sung, Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army, Péng Déhuái, Commander of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army, and Mark W. Clark, Commander-in-Chief of the United Nations Command.


The Swiss delegation has been actively participating in the development of northern Gyeonggi Province, including donating various exhibition items to the Paju Camp Greaves Exhibition Hall. To commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Armistice, the delegation leased the Armistice Agreement to Gyeonggi Province without charge.


The copy of the Armistice Agreement will be stored separately within Camp Greaves, and an English version will be exhibited in the Gallery Greaves. The exhibition is titled "Three Lines," referring to the three lines that divided North and South Korea through the Armistice—the Military Demarcation Line, the Southern Limit Line, and the Northern Limit Line. It will be opened to the public immediately after the event's conclusion, and visitors can view it for free by riding the Peace Gondola at Paju Imjingak.


Meanwhile, Gyeonggi Province is conducting the "DMZ OPEN Festival," which began with the Peace Walk event on May 20, to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Armistice. Until November, the province will hold various events, including performances, exhibitions, academic conferences, and sports events, to promote the ecological, peaceful, and historical value of the demilitarized zone.


Photo Description: Governor Kim Dong-yeon of Gyeonggi Province (left) receives a copy of the Armistice Agreement from Ivo Burgener, the Swiss representative of the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission at the "Armistice Agreement Handover Ceremony" held at Gallery Greaves within Paju Camp Greaves on July 19.

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