SK Boulevard, named after the SK Group, established in Georgia, the U.S.

  • 등록 2023.07.24 16:32:44

SK On says, “The name of the industrial complex was also changed to SK Battery Park (tentative name)”

By Reporter Lee jon young

SK On announced on July 20 that Steve Reynolds Industrial Parkway, a road near the site of SK Battery America (SKBA), which is operated in Jackson County Commerce, Georgia, has been changed to SK Boulevard (SK Blvd.).



Related to this, SK On held a signboard ceremony at SKBA's Georgia plant, attended by SKBA officials, Clark Hill Commerce Mayor, and Jim Shaw, president of the Jackson County Chamber of Commerce on July 19.


The new road name, 'SK Blvd.,' has already been registered in map applications, 911 services, postal services, etc. since the 1st of last month. It will be used in parallel with the old road name for the next year. Boulevard refers to a major road that passes through the city center.


Jackson County decided to change the road name to acknowledge SKBA's contributions in creating high-quality jobs and supporting the local community. SK On had already achieved its promise of 'employing 2,600 people in Georgia' earlier than expected by the end of last year. The current number of employees has reached 3,000. 

Brian Kemp, the Governor of Georgia, publicly expressed gratitude, saying, "As Georgia continues to experience unprecedented growth and hardworking citizens are benefiting."


Along with the road name, the name of the industrial park where SKBA is located will also change from 'Commerce 85 Industrial Parkway' to the tentative name 'SK Battery Park.' A sign will be installed at the exit of Highway 85 leading to SKBA in the second half of this year.


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