President Yoon calls for responsible nationalism and clear security perspective

2023.10.07 11:01:15

At the 71st anniversary of the founding of the Korean Veterans Association

By Lee Jon Young


President Yoon Suk-yeol attended the "71st anniversary of the founding of the Korean Veterans Association and the Total Security Resolution Conference of the Chairmen of Towns, Counties, and Villages" at the Olympic Hall in Jamsil Olympic Park on Oct. 4.


The event was organized to commemorate the 71st anniversary of the founding of the Korean Veterans Association and to share examples of spreading public security awareness and revitalizing the organization of the ROK Armed Forces, and to strengthen the resolve of its members to defend the liberal democratic system and support the strengthening of the ROK-U.S. alliance as the country's largest security organization.


The president congratulated the organization on its 71st anniversary and asked it to fulfill its role as a bulwark of liberal democracy and take the lead in strengthening people's security awareness and establishing a total security posture. He also emphasized the need to build a Korea of freedom, peace and prosperity with a responsible national perspective and a clear security perspective.


A total of 5,000 people attended the ceremony, including Chairman Shin Sang-tae of the Korean Veterans Association, chairmen of metropolitan cities and provinces, counties, districts, towns, villages, and overseas branches; from the government, Minister of National Veterans Affairs Park Min-sik; from the National Assembly, Representative Yoon Jae-ok of the National Assembly of the People Power Party, Chairman Han Ki-ho of the National Defense Committee, and Representative Bae Hyun-jin of the National Assembly, whose district is Songpa-gu; and from the President's Office, National Security Chief Cho Tae-yong, National Security Office First Director Kim Tae-hyo, National Security Office Second Director In Sung-hwan, and Civil Society Chief Kang Seung-gyu.

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