President Yoon says, "We will honor and remember your sweat and dedication in the name of the nation"

2023.10.07 11:02:47

President Yoon hosts luncheon for 240 workers who were dispatched to Germany in the 1960s and 1970s

By Lee Jon-young


President Yoon Suk-yeol and First Lady Kim Keon-hee hosted a luncheon for more than 240 miners, nurses and nursing assistants who were dispatched to Germany in the 1960s and 1970s from Korea at the Walkerhill Hotel in Seoul on Oct. 4.

This is the first time the President has hosted a luncheon exclusively for the dispatched workers, and the event reflects the President's belief that the Korean people should take care of their compatriots who have sacrificed themselves for their country.



Prior to the luncheon, President and Mrs. Yoon viewed photos of the dispatched workers in Germany and posed for a group photo with the guests to thank them for their hard work.


"I am pleased to gather with you in this meaningful year of the 140th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Korea and Germany and the 60th anniversary of the dispatched work," the President said, thanking the attendees for their hard work and dedication, which laid the foundation for Korea's industrialization. "We will honor and remember your hard work and dedication in the name of the nation," the president continued, "and we will take great care to ensure that the Overseas Korean Service, which was launched last June, will be a strong fence for you."


The luncheon was highlighted by a performance of Lorelei, Barley Tree, and Bellflower by the 30-member Gluck Auf Choir, a group of former miners and nurses who were dispatched to Germany.


The luncheon was attended by more than 30 government and parliamentary officials, including Minister of Employment and Labor Lee Jung-sik, Korean Overseas Koreans Commissioner Lee Ki-chul, Civil Society Chief Kang Seung-kyu, National Assembly Speaker Yoon Jae-ok of the People’s Power Party, and Overseas Koreans Commissioner Kim Seok-ki.



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