"We will expand the playing field for our 7.5 million compatriots around the world"

2023.10.07 11:09:48

ays President Yoon at the World Korean Day while meeting with heads of overseas Korean organizations

By  Lee Jon Young


President Yoon Suk-yeol met with chairmen of overseas Korean organizations from around the world on Oct. 5 and said, "Establishing a network with our compatriots and creating the Overseas Korean Affairs Office to closely monitor you is in line with our government's philosophy of pursuing internationalism while solidifying our country's liberal democracy and market economy. We will expand the playing field for our 7.5 million compatriots to run together." 



President Yoon attended the World Congress of Chairmen of Overseas Korean Organizations and the 17th World Korean Day Ceremony at a hotel in Songpa-gu, Seoul, along with First Lady Kim Keun-hee. President Yoon has been meeting with overseas Koreans since last Chuseok holiday, when he met with compatriots of the Hiroshima atomic bombing victims and the miners and nurses who were dispatched to Germany in the past on Oct. 4.


In his congratulatory remarks, President Yoon explained the purpose of the initiative to strengthen support for overseas Koreans as "internationalism-oriented.”


"What our government aims for is the establishment of liberal democracy and the restoration of the market economy," he said. "We want to become a country that contributes to freedom, peace, and prosperity in Korea and around the world through freedom, human rights, and the rule of law, and to do so, we must follow global standards and aim for internationalism."


He pledged to strengthen support for overseas Koreans and asked them to cooperate with the country's diplomacy as a "global backbone.”

"The government will keep a close eye on our compatriots around the world, centered on the Overseas Korean Service, which was launched in June, and strengthen our global network, expanding the playing field for our companies, people, and 7.5 million compatriots around the world to run together," Yoon said.


President Yoon also said, "The international community's trust and expectations of the Republic of Korea are growing. We will contribute more and cooperate more with the international community so that our compatriots can have pride in their country," he said.


"I once again ask you to join us and help us realize our vision of a global pivotal nation that contributes to freedom, peace and prosperity around the world."


President Yoon also reiterated his gratitude to overseas Koreans, emphasizing their important role in the country's development.


"Our 120-year history of immigration, which began with the search for new opportunities, has been a great source of strength for our country," Yoon said.


"Earnings from the hot sugar cane fields of Hawaii and cactus farms in Latin America helped fund our independence, while remittances from miners and nurses dispatched to Germany provided valuable seed money for our industrialization process. Nine out of 10 Korean diplomatic missions, embassies, and consulates general in Japan were built with donations from Korean compatriots," he said.

The ceremony was attended by more than 450 people, including 360 chairmen of overseas Korean organizations. The government was represented by Foreign Minister Park Jin and Lee Ki-chul, chairman of the Overseas Korean Association.

The presidential office was represented by Cho Tae-yong, National Security Chief, and Kim Tae-hyo, First Deputy Director of the National Security Office.


이존영 기자 wbstf10@naver.com
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