First Lady Kim visits the Royal Institute of Traditional Arts of Saudi Arabia

2023.10.23 13:53:36

Kim Keon-hee says, "Cultural exchange between the two countries means sharing the future"

By Lee Jon Young


First Lady Kim Keon-hee visited The Royal Institute of Traditional Arts (TRITA) at the invitation of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on Oct. 22. The TRITA opened in 2021 with the aim of inheriting and developing Saudi Arabia's traditional culture, and operates education, training, and academic programs.



Mrs. Kim expressed her delight at the cooperation between the two countries, including a workshop for Korean ceramic painters at the Royal Institute of Traditional Arts and the signing of an MOU for academic exchange with Korea National University of Traditional Culture, and expressed her expectations for expanding cultural exchanges, saying, "Cultural exchange between Korea and Saudi Arabia means sharing the future." 


"Culture is the core foundation of bilateral cooperation," she said, encouraging that "these projects will contribute to the development of traditional arts and culture in both countries and promote exchange and cooperation among future generations."


Officials from the Royal Academy of Traditional Arts also introduced Saudi Arabia's traditional craft programs using clay, metal, wood, and textiles, as well as education and training in traditional arts. 


"Preserving traditional culture is preserving a country's identity," Mrs. Kim said, encouraging the work of the Royal Academy of Traditional Arts. "Just as K-pop captures the spirit of Korean traditional culture, I hope that Saudi Arabia will further develop cultural content based on traditional culture," she added.


During her visit, Mrs. Kim toured the Royal Academy of Traditional Arts' workshops on stone carving, ceramics, and the traditional weaving craft of Al Sadu. She was particularly impressed by the process of making Al Sadu, saying, "I can feel the sincerity in making each stitch by hand."


The Royal Academy of Traditional Arts thanked Mrs. Kim for her visit and encouraging cultural exchange between Korea and Saudi Arabia, and presented her with a clay cup carved in the shape of the Diriyah ruins and an Al Sadu phone pouch as a souvenir.

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