Jeju Island, New Zealand to expand technical exchange in agriculture

2023.10.23 14:09:23

Governor Oh Young-hoon met with the New Zealand Ambassador Bennet

By  Kayla lee   


Jeju Special Self-Governing Province and New Zealand, which share similar climates and natural environments, have decided to expand mutual exchanges, including technical cooperation in the field of agriculture.


Jeju Governor Oh Young-hoon met with New Zealand Ambassador to Korea Dawn Elizabeth Bennet at the Jeju Provincial Office on Oct. 20 to discuss ways to strengthen exchange and cooperation between the two regions.



The meeting was also attended by representatives from New Zealand's kiwi cooperative and the world's largest premium kiwi brand, Zespri Korea, and officials from the New Zealand Trade Promotion Agency.


"With similar climates and natural environments, it is expected that Jeju and New Zealand will be able to collaborate in a variety of areas, including economic and cultural," said Ambassador Bennett, explaining that Jeju is home to more than 90 percent of the cultivated kiwi area in Korea.


"Since the signing of the kiwi production agreement between Seogwipo City and Zespri in 2004, we have achieved remarkable results through win-win cooperation with Jeju farmers who have achieved citrus success," said the Zespri Korea delegation. "We will continue to support sustainable agriculture in Jeju through various initiatives and technical investments."


"The citrus sugar management technology is similar to kiwi cultivation, and there is a significant advantage for Jeju farmers to use kiwi as a substitute crop," said Governor Oh. "As Jeju Island is trying to change the framework of agriculture through the establishment of the Supply and Demand Management Association, we will actively cooperate in technology exchange for substitute crop conversion."


"Jeju and New Zealand share a similar environment as an island, so we can expand exchanges not only in agriculture, but also in tourism and culture," he said, adding, "We hope you will continue to show interest in Jeju and make further efforts to expand exchanges in various fields."


Meanwhile, New Zealand Ambassador Bennett, New Zealand Trade Promotion Agency managing director, and more than 70 executives from Zespri traveled to Jeju for 19-20 days to visit the Zespri farm.


Jeju Island accounts for 43% of Korea's kiwi production as of last year, and more than 90% of the domestic cultivation area for Zespri kiwis (232 ha nationwide and 212 ha in Jeju) is located on the island.


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