Korea-Africa Summit to serve as a major milestone in partnership

2023.12.14 13:11:11

Says H.E Dr. Chafik RACHADI, Ambassador of Morocco to Korea

By Lee Jon Young | Dear readers of Diplomacy Journal,

It is with pleasure that I convey, in my name and on behalf of the Moroccan Embassy team, my sincere greetings to the people and the Government of the Republic of Korea.



I seize this opportunity to extend my heartfelt wishes for success to Diplomacy Journal, its editors as well as to Damwha Media Group.

On New Year’s Eve, it is an occasion to review what has been achieved over the leaving year and envision what to expect in the upcoming one.



Korea, under the President Yoon’s Administration, has accomplished many projects in various fields, diplomacy, economy, science, technology, tourism and health and many others. I wish this new year and onwards, Korea will maintain this progress momentum.  

On bilateral scope, many actions ad projects have been undertaken. I will recall some significant ones. Commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Korean War armistice, a special moving tribute was paid early November, in honor of the Moroccan veteran, Mohamed EL ASRY, who fell in this war. A strong testimony to the long-standing human ties that continued to develop ever since between Morocco and Korea, long before the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1962.



Indeed, the story of these ties began decades ago when the UN sent military forces to help the South Korean army, including Moroccan volunteers serving within the UN Battalion, becoming the first Moroccans to set foot on Korean soil, forming a bond as blood brothers.

One of the first Moroccan veterans to be identified was late EL ASRY, resting peacefully in the UN Cemetery in Busan. Subsequently to the investigations made by the Embassy, his 82-year-old daughter came to Korea long away from Morocco to assist to this auspicious ceremony, honoring her father. She did not have before the slightest idea where he could have been buried.



Another remarkable accomplishment this year was the Embassy's organization of an important symposium on Autonomy in late November. This event sparked vibrant debates among researchers and academicians, highlighting the significant contribution of successful autonomy plans, such as those implemented in Jeju Island and the Moroccan Sahara, to stability, security, and economic development.

As we embrace the year 2024, we eagerly anticipate another year of close bilateral and multilateral cooperation. We all acknowledge the immense significance of the upcoming first-ever Korea-Africa Summit, scheduled to take place in Seoul in June. This landmark summit will serve as a major milestone in the Korea-Africa Partnership.

May the Kingdom of Morocco and the Republic of Korea continue to stride forward, experiencing even greater progress, stability, security, and peace in this New Year.

이존영 기자 wbstf10@naver.com
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