"U.S.-ROK human relationship is fundamental for national security”

2024.01.02 11:22:58

Stresses U.S. Ambassador to Korea Goldberg in his New Year message

 By Kim Ji-eun

U.S. Ambassador to Korea Philip Goldberg said on Dec. 27, "The people-to-people relationship between the United States and South Korea is the core foundation of our diplomacy, economic competitiveness, and national security."


In his 2024 New Year message to the U.S.-ROK Alliance Foundation, Ambassador Goldberg said that this relationship is "a strong anchor for the friendship between our two countries."



"As we celebrated the 70th anniversary of the U.S.-South Korea alliance in 2023, I reflect on what we have accomplished," Goldberg said, citing President Yoon Suk-yeol's state visit to the United States in April and the U.S.-Korea-Japan summit at Camp David, the U.S. presidential residence, in August.


"As we enter the new year (2024), organizations like the U.S.-ROK Alliance Foundation remind us of our shared history and the special relationship between our two countries that has overcome the horrors of war to become a key pillar of freedom and democratic values for people around the world," said Ambassador Goldberg. "We are deeply grateful for the support of our soldiers who have fallen in defense of our country."

"We are deeply grateful for your service to the U.S.-ROK alliance," said Ambassador Goldberg. "As we close out our 70th anniversary year, we celebrate all that you have accomplished in the past year and look forward to the next 70 years."

김지은 기자 jinsong73@daum.net
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