Commissioner Jeong gives a special lecture at Chungju High School

2023.12.14 07:36:15

Under the subject titled “To live a better life?”

 Diplomacy Journal | Kang mi Seon


Chungju High School( P r i n c i p a l Ho n g Seung-hyun) invited Daejeon Police Agency Commissioner Jeong Yong-Geun (the 39th graduate of Chungju High School) on the 13th and said, "To live a better life?" at the 2023 freshman orientation.



This special lecture focused on 209 prospective first-year students at Chungju High School with three contents for about an hour, namely passion, sincerity, and endurance." The lecturer, Chung, gave also introduced his personal experience that encompassed wisdom in life, the opportunity to live and learn in high school, and what to practice for a successful career.


A prospective student at Chungju High School said, "I listened to my senior's wisdom in life and overcame difficulties, so I reflected on my life."


Hong Seung-hyun, principal of Chungju High School, said, "I am grateful for the lectures to my future main characters, my alma mater juniors, through passion, sincerity, and endurance, which are opportunities for freshmen to strengthen their will and take their lives to the next higher level."


Born in 1965 in Chungju-si, Chungcheongbuk-do, the writer graduated from Chungju High School and National Police University (3rd term).


After graduating from the National Police University, he was appointed as a senior officer in 1987 and rose to the rank of security officer (to date).


 Daejeon Policy Agency Commissioner Jeong Yong-Geun gives a special lecture for new students at Chungju High School



In 2010, the writer was promoted to Senior Superintendent and served as a hearing audit officer at the Busan Office, head of the Eumseong Police Station, head of the Information Division 2 at the Seoul Office, head of the Seoul Hyehwa Police Station, and administrator of the Presidential Secretariat.


In December 2016, he was promoted to a police officer, served as the second director of the Chungbuk Provincial Police Agency, and dispatched to the counterterrorism center in the Cabinet Office.


In December 2020, he was promoted to the Chief of Security and appointed as the Director of the Life Safety Bureau of the National Police Agency.


In July 2021, he was transferred to the head of Chungbuk Office from personnel appointments. 


In June 2022, he moved to the head of the Transportation Bureau of the National Police Agency, but was transferred to the head of the Daejeon Police Agency in December.

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