2024.09.29 (일)

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기상청 제공


First Lady Kim Keon-hee holds first meeting with Iranian President's spouse

Called for the establishment of a Korean language department at Tehran National University

By Lee Jon Young


First Lady Kim Keon-hee met with Mrs. Jamileh Alamolhoda, the spouse of the President of Iran, in New York City on September 20 (local time). The meeting was organized at the request of the Iranian side at a time when both countries are looking forward to improving relations, and it is the first time that the spouse of the President of South Korea has met with the spouse of the President of Iran.



Mrs. Alamolhoda expressed the hope that the two countries will work together in a variety of areas, including cultural cooperation, as well as in areas such as low birth rates, family issues, and women's empowerment. "Korean films, especially historical dramas, are very popular in Iran," she said, adding that she hopes to deepen the understanding of culture and arts between the two countries.


Mrs. Kim also hoped to expand communication in various fields, saying, "Culture is a representative field where friendship and exchange between countries can be practiced," adding that cooperation in the field of culture and arts should be promoted.


Meanwhile, Mrs. Kim called for Mrs. Alamolhoda's attention to the establishment of Korean language departments at leading universities in Iran, including Tehran National University. 


In response, Mrs. Alamolhoda said, "There is a great deal of interest in the Korean Wave and Korean language in Iran, especially among young people," and expressed her hope that the two countries will continue to consult on this issue.